Your customized advisory is just a click away!

Do not hesitate to contact us. Our consultants will promptly reach you to set the appropriate business approach and support you most effectively to finalize your business targets everywhere in EMEA, Americas, Africa and APAC.

About us

Our Firm

Most Companies put their values into a manifesto. We put into action. Helping Business succeed through the power of Advisory is our mission.

With more than 20 years’ experience around the globe in business strategy, real estate, innovation & technology, Global Advisory Solutions Kft is a company founded on the premises that advisory should be effective, reliable, helpful and easy.

We want to profit with our clients, not from them and we help businesses of every size – from entrepreneurs to iconic brands.
We partner with regional consultants within the main business regions of the world to provide client first advisory solutions.
We use our network in order to help our clients getting the best technology solutions to extend their impact in their market.
We help to drive innovation, inclusion and access across the industry in order to make your business a global business through a local solution!

Service lines

Advisory Areas

Global Advisory Solutions aim to be your partner in order to support you to finalize your Firm’s most important deals in the following areas and much more:


Business strategy consultancy

Innovation and technology consultancy

Business matchmaking

Data center advisory / Business development

Real Estate advisory

Service lines

Advisory Areas

Global Advisory Solutions aims to be your partner in order to support you to finalize your Firm’s most important deals in the following areas and much more:


Business strategy consultancy
Innovation and technology consultancy
Business matchmaking
Data center advisory / Business development
Real Estate advisory


Contact us

Global Advisory Solutions KFT
T: +36 1 655 5994
M: +36 307 998 685

Operational Headquarters:
Budapest, Szervita tér 8
1052 Hungary

Registered Office:
Budapest, Véső utca 6. 3/1
1133 Hungary
HU VAT  32008375-2-41
EU VAT HU32008375